
Applause, applause, applause.

Who is the ovation for?
For you, of course!

Take a moment today to acknowledge the changes you’ve created in your life 
around decluttering and being more organized.
Is your house perfect?  Please!!!!  (As if.)
If there is one less pile than there used to be, 
or you’re managing to put your keys in the same spot most of the time, 
or you’re remembering the Two Minute Rule:
You are making a difference in your life. 

For the times you’ve asked yourself how many is enough?
Or you’ve hung up your coat instead of just dropping it on the chair.
Or you’ve returned the scissors to the drawer where they live.
Or you’ve paid the bill before the due date.
All these small actions move your life in the direction of simplicity and less chaos.

Paying attention is where change begins.  
Remembering who you really are and allowing yourself to imagine the life you want to be living 
gives you a chance to glimpse how that life might look and feel.
Every time you choose to act in ways that support that idea
life gets a little less cluttered, 
you feel a bit more in control, 
and you come home.

Every small action has power.
Every day is a chance to make new choices.
Every choice makes a difference.

Take a bow.  
You deserve it.  