
Focus on the benefits

Often what keeps us stuck or procrastinating is our focus is on how hard something is going to be, 
or why we don’t want to do it.
(whine, whine)

Instead, focus on  the benefits of doing the work.
What opportunities might be created?
Remember why you wanted to take on the project.
Remind yourself of the changes your actions will produce.

Procrastination and stalling take energy.  
Why not put that effort into achieving the goal?
Weigh the long term benefits 
against the short time needed to do the actual work.

Switching your focus from the mechanics of the doingness part, 
to the positive outcome and changes having done the work will create; 
you can change how you feel.

Place your attention on the results.
Inviting a shift in perspective makes it easier to get things done.

What are the benefits of a less cluttered life?
Make that your focus.