That was Then.
That was then.
This is now.
Then you were often the host of meals and parties for twenty.
Now you invite three or four people for dessert and conversation.
(Do you need all those serving dishes?)
Then you baked cakes and cookies and tried new recipes all the time.
Now you stop by the great local bakery and buy one or two treats.
(Do you still need a cupboard filled with cookie sheets and five sizes and shapes of cake pans?)
Then you wore professional clothes to work every day.
Now you’re retired. Or working from home.
(Do you still need a closet filled with clothes for a life you no longer lead?)
Then you played golf, or tennis, or skied, or did beading, or created hand made cards, or, or, or?
Now you don’t.
(Do you still need equipment and supplies for hobbies you no longer enjoy?)
Are you getting the drift?
Clutter can be the result of not letting go of Then, and
failing to realize and recognize you and your life have moved on to Now.
That was then.
Be here now.