They’re still making ’em.
Having trouble deciding about letting go of some stuff in your life?
Going through some much loved and well worn sweatshirts with a client recently,
she realized that, yes, they are still making sweatshirts.
And if she needed an additional one in the future, she could buy it.
It was a funny and illuminating Ah Ha moment.
What might you be holding on to that they are still making?
What are you keeping two of that if you needed a third (or fourth?) of,
is still available?
This came up again today when a client sent a photo
of a big box of jars she’d been keeping;
that had taken up an entire shelf in her (rather small) kitchen.
She was finally ready to recycle them.
Yup. They’re still making jars.
Ten of something isn’t ten times better than one.
It’s one, ten times over….