
Know when to fold ’em.

Sometimes we make being organized more work than it needs to be.
The goal of being organized is to simplify your life.
Not add unnecessary steps or complications.  

We want to make the tasks of daily living as simple and easy as possible.

It isn’t about how the space looks; it’s about how it function, for you!

Create specific homes for your possessions and simplify your routines and habits.
Give yourself  a sense of control in your life.

Do you need to fold your underwear and arrange it neatly in the drawer?
Probably not.
Why spend the time?

Do you need to neatly fold the towels in the linen closet?
Actually, rolling them up and stacking them takes up less room.
Bonus-they look neater.

Neatly folding your clothing and layering them up in your drawer usually means you wear the top three items in each drawer, over and over.
Try folding them in half one more time, then nestle them up against one another, front to back, so you can see what you have.

Spend your time and energy getting the maximum amount of organization for the least amount of effort.

Permission granted for it never to look perfect.

Know when to fold ’em, and know when to walk away.