
Theme Word for 2013

Borrowing an idea from Gretchen Rubin’s latest book, ‘Happier at Home’ I, and some friends, decided to choose a Theme Word for the New Year.

I invite you to do the same.

Without making it too big of a deal, or worrying that you’re choosing the exactly perfect word, or putting every desire/resolution/change into this,  just let one word float to the top of your imagination and go with that.

Perhaps it’s a feeling you’d like to experience more in the coming year, or an activity, or a concept that inspires you, or perhaps a word to help remind you of what’s possible or important.

Write the word down.  Or don’t. 

Maybe you want to hang it where it will remind you on a daily basis.  Maybe you want to slip it into a drawer so you can come across it unexpectedly, maybe you’ll want to make it the open screen on your phone.

This isn’t a declaration or a mission statement or another way to beat your self up.

This is one word to carry in your thoughts and heart, to gently remind  you to pause and consider another way of being.

Here’s to a New Year that supports and delights us, challenges and nurtures us, and has Less Stuff and More Possibilities!


My theme word is BIG!