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What I know:

It isn't about our stuff.
It's about our connections.

Bigger. Better. More.
Rarely is.

Our best lives create space
in our homes and hearts
for the people and activities
that make us genuinely happy.

You must be present to win.

Admit that it’s over

 “That was then. This is now”  
I often comment to my clients, in my least Bossy Voice, of course.

One source of clutter comes from holding on to items connected to a life we no longer live. 
(Or ever did for that matter)
Supplies for a hobby we stopped engaging in years ago. 
Sports equipment from an activity we abandoned. 
Clothes from a different body or life style.  
Supplies for a Do It Yourself project that will never happen.

We want to believe that our lives, tastes and commitments haven’t changed. 
That we have the same bodies, abilities and interests we had two, five, or ten years ago.
What’s true is that isn’t the case. 
If those hobbies and activities were important to us, 
we would be making time and room in our current lives to do them.

Take an objective look at what’s living in your closets, 
stacked on your shelves,  
or piled in the garage;
that no longer has use or meaning in your life.  
Get rid of the unused, excess, nagging, guilt inducing stuff.

If you’re not quite ready to let go of things (or is it what they represent that has the hold on you?): 
Set yourself a deadline.
If you haven’t pulled out the yarn, played tennis, 
or refinished the chair by X date, 
be willing to admit it and let the items go.

I invite you to take look at what you’ve been holding on to 
that no longer serves the life you want to be living now.
Admit that yes, you’re done with that hobby, activity or project.

It’s okay, really.

Give the supplies, equipment and clothes to people who will use them, 
​right now, for the lives they are presently living.

Your letting go will create space in your house and life; physically, mentally and emotionally. 
You’ll have more room for this life, the one you’re engaged in right now.
Make that life a reflection of the people and activities that feed your soul and fill your heart.

Things don’t change.

“Things do not change, we change.” Henry David Thoreau

How often do we wish situations in our lives different than they are?
How often do we want someone else to act or respond in ways that we believe 
would be easier for us, and ‘better’ for them?
How many times have we thought, “When this happens
or that changes then I’ll do _________”?

Waiting for things to change is just that, waiting.
How much of life do you want to spend waiting instead of being?

You only have the power to change your own behaviors and habits. 
You get to choose what’s important in your life; which things have meaning,
what activities to spend your time engaged in,
and which relationships feed you head and heart.

“They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Andy Warhol

Save yourself

Save yourself.
Then save the world.

Don’t let your need to make certain all your donations go to just the right people or place,
keep you from actually giving things away.

Focus your mental energy on your goal of clearing space in your home.
Make your priority having closets, shelves and drawers that
offer accessibility and room for what’s needed and important in your life.

Trust that people who need and want your things will find them
at the thrift store, or through a service organization.

(Sometimes all that research to find the perfect organization to accept your donations,
is just a way to procrastinate and not deal with the real work of sorting and prioritizing.)

Goodwill or Value Village or the Senior Center Thrift store
are good enough  solutions to your donation dilemma.

Let good enough help you move forward, one donation bag at a time.

What you keep.

Focus on the things you’re keeping.

Why is this mug special?
How do you feel when you wear this pair of pants?
What recipe works perfectly in this pan?
Why does this tablecloth always remind you of your grandma?

One box, three bags, a truckload.
It isn’t about how much you let go when you declutter.
It’s about how and why you value what you’re keeping.
Not Justin Case, or not because you paid good money for it, or not because it was a gift.

Your choice to keep it in your home reflects who your are, 
what you value, and the story of your life you want to be living.


No is a complete sentence.
No apologies, no excuses, no guilt.
No to making other peoples lack of planning your problem.

Saying No makes room to say Yes.

Your future self

Be kind to your future self.

Load and run the dishwasher tonight so your future self 
doesn’t get up to a kitchen full of dirty dishes.

Fold the laundry when it’s done drying,
so your future self has something unwrinkled to wear.

Pay your bills on time,
so your future self isn’t paying late fees.

Say no to another commitment,
so your future self has time to read or take a walk.

Call a friend, so your future self
doesn’t regret not staying in touch with the people you love.

Do small things now, in this moment:
Your future self will be grateful.


Give someone the benefit of the doubt.

Give away something you haven’t touched in months.

Give up on being perfect.

Give someone Grace.
(Give it to yourself)

Give someone a compliment.

Give to a cause you believe is changing people’s lives.
(Any amount moves their mission forward)

Give someone the gift of your full attention.

Give yourself five extra minutes in the morning to linger over your breakfast.

Give up the need to be right; be kind instead.

Give yourself permission to love the life you have right now.

Obvious favorites

The mug that’s always on the counter.
The clothes that are always piled on the chair.
The shoes that are always just inside the door.

These are the ones you use all the time.
Apparently your favorite/go to/feel comfortable using.

Perhaps if you let go of a few of the mugs you rarely use,
(guess they aren’t so special after all).
Or a few of the clothes hanging in the closet,
(that literally never get worn).
And some of the pairs of shoes that aren’t really favorites:
You’d be able to give the things you do use and love a home.

You could clear some clutter off the counter,
actually sit in the chair,
and not trip over the pile of shoes by the door.

Remove some of your never used things
and make homes for the items you 
obviously use on a regular basis.

Good enough.

Many people who are challenged by clutter are self proclaimed perfectionists.
Which often results in clutter.
Ironic, I know.

They are waiting for the perfect filing system before they start dealing with their papers.
They are looking for the perfect set of containers before they start organizing their pantry.
If they could just find the perfect baskets they would tackle the messy shelf in the coat closet.

Give up on perfect and aim for good enough.

Perfect can be paralyzing,
Good enough moves you forward.

Start by getting rid of papers you don’t need to keep.
Toss out food that’s expired, stale or you know you’ll never eat.
Sort the hats, gloves, dog leashes and scarves in the closet; 
let go of the unmatched, never worn, or ugly.

Once you’ve sorted and pared down an area,
then use what you’re keeping to decide if you even need containers.
Perfect or otherwise.

Where is its home?

When you come across an item during the decluttering process
and you don’t know, or can’t think of, where its home should be;
maybe you don’t need to keep it.

Things you really need and use, you know where they belong.
Or where you’d look for them when you need them.
(Even if they aren’t currently in that location)

If something has a home-put it way.

If you can’t easily think of a home for something, 
could mean you may not even remember you have it,
when or if the time comes to use it.

Create logical (to you) homes for the items that you use.
Let go of the rest.